Okay, I think I get the concept of a RESTful many-to-many association
controller, but I’ve hit a bit of a wall actually implementing it. I’ve
been Googling for a while, but this simple question is starting to take
up too much time:
Heres where I am:
I have a Meeting model related to Users through Attendees. Simple enough
so far. I need to be able to create, update and destroy meeting
in the controller I, of course have create, update and destroy actions
and the attendees are nested under meetings giving the following route:
POST /meetings/1/attendees (for create action).
def create
@meeting = Meeting.find(params[:meeting_id]) # actually in
@meeting.users << current_user
Okay so far, however I also need to set additional attributes on the
Attendee object:
attendee.rsvp = “Yes” # for example
So rather than using << to associate the logged in user directly to the
meeting should I instead create the Attendee model directly set the
attributes and save?
def create
attendee = Attendee.new(:meeting_id => params[:meeting_id], :user_id
=> current_user.id, rsvp => params[:rsvp])
if attendee.save
Or am I way off base and there’s a smart and simple way to accomplish