Restful_authentication and relation specification

Hello everyone
Trying to use restful_authentication in my project.
country_id,state_id,city_id is the attributes of the user model. I
specified the relation
has_many :users in in three of the model files and in the user model
file specified as belongs_to :country_id,belongs_to :state_id,belongs_to
:city_id. After that when i tried to save user model error “undefined
method `to_sym’ for #State:0x667b258” . when I remove the relation I
can save the user model . Where I am going wrong? is it possible to
specify relation ? Pls help.
Thanks in advance.

the user shouldn’t belong to a state, the user should have_one :state

and also your belongs to should be :state not :state_id

David Herman wrote:

the user shouldn’t belong to a state, the user should have_one :state

and also your belongs to should be :state not :state_id

Corrected the relation but the problem is existing