Restful_auth undefied logged_in?

Hi there,

I’ve been using the RESTful Authentication plugin for a long time, and
never had trouble with it. Now though with the latest version and Edge
Rails (rev 6542), I get an (undefined method `logged_in?’ for
#<#Class:0x36d5200:0x36d51d8>) error when I call the logged_in? method
in authenticated_system from any view. I’m not sure what the deal is.
Has anyone run into this before?

Thanks in advance.

On 4/20/07, Guest [email protected] wrote:

Hi there,

I’ve been using the RESTful Authentication plugin for a long time, and
never had trouble with it. Now though with the latest version and Edge
Rails (rev 6542), I get an (undefined method `logged_in?’ for
#<#Class:0x36d5200:0x36d51d8>) error when I call the logged_in? method
in authenticated_system from any view. I’m not sure what the deal is.
Has anyone run into this before?

That’s a controller method. The restful auth plugin provides access
to the view with the helper_method call.!source/2848/plugins/restful_authentication/generators/authenticated/templates/authenticated_system.rb#96

Rick O.

Thanks for the reply Rick. Strange I used to be able to check logged_in?
right from application_helper.