REST web service clarification

Hi All,

I’m new to REST and RESTFul web services. Looking forward for a

My question is, Are the only REST methods
or can we have a method name like getUserFullName in REST ?

please guide me, coz i’m planing to develop and API with REST so i need
to have an idea what kind of methods i can use

thankx in advance


My question is, Are the only REST methods
or can we have a method name like getUserFullName in REST ?

these are REST verbs, the common REST methods are:

index (get)
show (get)
new (get)
create (post)
edit (get)
update (put)
destroy (delete)

those you’ll use in most cases.
but you can still use as many other methods as you want. you should only
think if it’s really necessary in a given case.

think you have a user controller.
index will show a list of all users
show will show a single users detailed data
new will show a form to enter new users
create will create user based on the posted new form
edit will get the edit form for an existing user
update will update an existing user (from submitted edit form)
destroy will delete an user

but you may want to export a csv list of selected users or import them
from a vcard file or whatever, you cann still write an action like
export_csv or import_vcard

Hi Mueller,

Sorry for late replay, but thank you very much for your reply. Its clear
and to the point.

thankx again
