Rest - nested resources

Hope this is going to come out understandable.
Right now I have a nested resource within my main rest route - as in:

map.resources :candidates do |candidate|
candidate.resources :canbackgrounds

The reason I have this setup is because I’m working on a multi part form
where I"m giving the user the option to do “sections” at their leisure,

So the first section (the main - is candidates)
the second section is canbackgrounds.

However within the actual canbackground form is a field that is inputted
into another model / table.
My question then is should I be adding this other model into the nested
resources, as perhaps a nested resource within canbackgrounds ?

Hope this isn’t all too confusing , I know it is for me :slight_smile:

So the first section (the main - is candidates)
the second section is canbackgrounds.

However within the actual canbackground form is a field that is inputted
into another model / table.
My question then is should I be adding this other model into the nested
resources, as perhaps a nested resource within canbackgrounds ?

Resources provide a way to create groups of related routes. So the
is do you need to manipulate this field? I don’t think it makes sense to
define resource for just one field. You will be able to deal with your
canbackground attributes in a RESTful way. It is not clear from your
question why you want to nest another resource for only one field.

On 10/23/06, Bala P. [email protected] wrote:

resources, as perhaps a nested resource within canbackgrounds ?

Resources provide a way to create groups of related routes. So the
question is do you need to manipulate this field? I don’t think it makes
sense to define resource for just one field. You will be able to deal with
your canbackground attributes in a RESTful way. It is not clear from your
question why you want to nest another resource for only one field.

Bala , thank you for responding.
What I’ve done or will be doing is defining 5 resources. 4 of which is
nested in the first.
However in a few of those 4 nested resources, the forms contain input
elements for models not currently in those resources.
Why do these models exist ? Because i have a number of form elements
are multiple selection lists.
So to reference canbackgrounds -
in the new form i have a select list , multiple, this is written to the
canindustries model.
My tables looks like this:
(nested resource of candidates → canbackgrounds | id | candidate_id |

1 10 3

(not sure what to do with this → canindustries | canbackground_id |
candidate_id | industry_id

1 10 4

1 10 7

1 10 9

Hope this explains it better. Let me know what you think…anyone :slight_smile:

On 10/23/06, Bala P. [email protected] wrote:

     1        10                  3

Hope this explains it better. Let me know what you think…anyone :slight_smile:

So you basically have values for multiple selection list that is part of
the canbackgrounds model. You want to know how to persist these values. Is
that your question?

Sorry Bala, I’m truly not trying to be confusing.
No, those multiple selection values are going into ANOTHER model.

some code to demonstrate -


map.resources :candidates do |candidate|
candidate.resources :canbackgrounds

Now from teh canbackgrounds ‘new’ form
<% form_for :canbackground, :url => canbackground_url, :candidate_id =>
@candidate_id do |form| %>

<%= text_field(:canbackground, :recent_title) %> <------------- going to model Canbackground <---------- going to model Canindustry <%= options_from_collection_for_select @categories, :id, :name %> ............................

Now it’s all working fine as it’s currently set up, however maybe I’m
seeing a better way of doing it. As you said in the first message, for
field it probably doesn’t make sense to create a seperate resource,
kind of how I feel.
Anyway, hopefully this explains it better.


Now it’s all working fine as it’s currently set up, however maybe I’m not
seeing a better way of doing it. As you said in the first message, for one
field it probably doesn’t make sense to create a seperate resource, that’s
kind of how I feel.
Anyway, hopefully this explains it better.

You can have multiple models in a form. The fields_for helper can be
for this purpose. In this case you can have:

<% form_for :canbackground, :url => canbackground_url, :candidate_id =>
@candidate_id do |form| %>

<%= form.text_field (:canbackground, :recent_title) %>

<% fields_for :canindustries do |canindustry| %>

<%= canindustry.options_from_collection_for_select @categories, :id, :name %>

I don’t know if there is any other better way of doing this.

On 10/23/06, Bala P. [email protected] wrote:

<%= options_from_collection_for_select @categories, :id, :name

<%= canindustry.options_from_collection_for_select @categories, :id, :name

I don’t know if there is any other better way of doing this.

Bala, thank you for the help and responses. You helped clear up my


On 10/23/06, Dark A. [email protected] wrote:

<select name=canindustry[category_id][] size="6"

Well , now I’m experiencing a problem with this. As for above
works fine.
Edit though is a problem as the canindustry field in the edit form is
returning the previously selected records.
Not sure how to fix this issue.

The edit form looks like this:
<% form_for :canbackground,
:url => canbackground_url,
:candidate_id => @candidate_id,
:html => {:method => :put} do |form| %>
#in the middle is the canindustry field:

<%= options_from_collection_for_select @categories, :id, :name

The controller has this line for returning teh previously selected
for canbackground
@canbackground = @candidate.canbackgrounds.find(params[:id])

However I have no clue how to pull up the previously stored values for


So to reference canbackgrounds -

1 10 4

1 10 7

1 10 9

Hope this explains it better. Let me know what you think…anyone :slight_smile:

So you basically have values for multiple selection list that is part of
canbackgrounds model. You want to know how to persist these values. Is
your question?