REST and create action: why does it accept GET requests?

Hi *,

TODO: why does this method accept get requests ?

it “should not login getting correct credentials” do

get :create, :login => ‘quentin’, :password => ‘test’

session[ :user_id ].should be_nil

flash[ :notice ].should be_nil


This spec fails, but AFAIK create actions that are routed
as .resources should accept just POSTed data, not GETted. Here the
session is setted to the, and the Flash notice says I logged
in successfully, this doesn’t really make sense to me. Rails 2.0.2


Nicholas W. wrote:

Hi *,

TODO: why does this method accept get requests ?

it “should not login getting correct credentials” do

get :create, :login => ‘quentin’, :password => ‘test’

session[ :user_id ].should be_nil

flash[ :notice ].should be_nil


I think the way that it works is Rails will route POST requests to the
/users/ url to create. However, if you explicitly call the create method
using a GET (as you are doing here), I don’t think Rails will stop you.

I think if you want to check that the routing is working it is possible
using Rspec.

Disclaimer: The exuberant use of “think” in the answer means that I am
also still learning :wink:

That is what verify is for:

verify :method => :post, :redirect_to => etc…

On 20 May 2008, at 09:06, Nicholas W. wrote:

as .resources should accept just POSTed data, not GETted. Here the
session is setted to the, and the Flash notice says I logged
in successfully, this doesn’t really make sense to me. Rails 2.0.2

Routing isn’t used in a functional test - rails just whacks the
specified action at the controller being tested
