I’m having some trouble handing ActionController::MethodNotAllowed
errors. Basically, the following is defined in my controllers, but
obviously I’m missing something. Thanks in advance for any light you
can shed.
class UsersController < ApplicationController
rescue_from ActionController::MethodNotAllowed, :with
=> :not_allowed
def not_allowed
flash[:message] = “The action you requested is not supported.”
redirect_to welcome_path
By the way, the trouble I’m having is that the error is not being
handled by ‘not_allowed’…
I have used rescue_from and this looks fine to me.
But twist in the tale I found while googling for the same.
I think you are looking for this:
Though I think Pratik has solved this issue:
may be helpful for you
Thank you, Gourav… I’ll check it out.