`require': no such file to load -- win32/sound

I am trying out the following X10 intergratuion with Bamboo (http://
urlant.com//yvwjlo) and when i installed the one click windows install
of Ruby and run the ruby script, i get the following error:

C:\ruby\bin>ruby C:\ruby\samples\ContinuousIntegrationLampControl
ler.rb:3:in `require’: no such file to load – win32/sound (LoadError)
from C:/ruby/samples/ContinuousIntegrationLampControl/

Is there any 101 testing i can do to test that ruby is working
correctly befiore i go to far into hacking the script.


On Oct 7, 7:33 am, [email protected] wrote:

    from C:/ruby/samples/ContinuousIntegrationLampControl/


Is there any 101 testing i can do to test that ruby is working
correctly befiore i go to far into hacking the script.

Fire up an irb session and type ‘require “win32/sound”’.

If that fails, try ‘require “rubygems”’ first, then try to load win32-
sound. If that works, you either need to set your RUBYOPT environment
variable, or you need to explicitly require rubygems first.

If that doesn’t work, then type “gem list” and make sure you have
win32-sound installed.

