I’m browsing through some code, trying to familiarize myself with the
language (I have a C++ background, with only a #include), and I realize
that there are 3 calls that I’m trying to wrap my head around.
Here’s my stab:
Require – seems to include another file to gain access to other
classes, modules, and global data. This seems to be equivalent to a C++
include, with inclusion guards
Load – seems to be the same as require, but will actually reload the
data every time it is called, where require will load once and cache the
file. This seems to be equivalent to C++ include, with out inclusion
Include – seems to include a module name from a pre-determined path,
but not classes (unless encapsulated within a module). Would this be
similar to a C++ namespace being given the include directory at compile
So a couple of things here, are my understandings of the 3 methods
close, if not, could someone please expand on them. The other is what’s
the advantage of include vs require? I mean, why would I include a
module, rather than require it’s filename?
I’ve read through the RDocs, but I still don’t seem to understand.
I hope this post makes sense, let me know if I need to clarify.