Dir[“lib/extensions/*.jar”].each do |jar|
puts jar
val = require jar
puts val.to_s
require ‘lib/classes.jar’
require ‘exceptions’
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Java
include Exceptions
#include_class ‘MIPS’
java_import ‘MyClass’
- When I don’t use a .war file but deploy from an Eclipse Tomcat
server, I get:
INFO: Server startup in 9572 ms
As you can see, no “false” or “true” is printed.
But, everything works.
- When I deploy as .war file under Tomcat,
I get “true” for each of these requires printed as well.
And I get the error that “MyClass” could not be linked because of a
missing dependency (it seems as if the requires didn’t work and the
classes are not loaded as ruby extensions).
Does anybody know what’s going on? Is the wrong ‘require’ used when
deployed as .war file or something?
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I think I know what’s going on here. Your working directory when
running under tomcat is not what you assume it is. You need to set
the lib paths relative to the context root. I think you can find this
set as a java property.
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 4:11 AM, Maarten M.
[email protected] wrote:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
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On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 7:31 AM, Justin C. [email protected]
I think I know what’s going on here. Â Your working directory when
running under tomcat is not what you assume it is. Â You need to set
the lib paths relative to the context root. Â I think you can find this
set as a java property.
Another option would be putting the jar files in the normal WAR file
location (WEB-INF/lib) so they’ll be picked up by Tomcat
automatically. In that case, you would not do the jar requires.
I’m not sure of the current recommendation for how to have both
command-line and WAR-file deploys work the same without a lot of
fiddling with jar requires and classpath, though.
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It worked by configuring them explictly in warble.rb.
There were several subdirectories in (WEB-INF/)lib that contained the
These subdirectories were also copied into the .war file, so I thought
I did not have to explictly add them in the warble.rb config file.
I was wrong, you need to add jars of all subdirectories there too.
Thank you,
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Charles Oliver N.
[email protected] wrote:
I’m not sure of the current recommendation for how to have both
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