Require_gem scoping issue?

Hi all,

I’m running into a weird problem with rubygems and using
‘require_gem’. Given the following code,

– being code –

require ‘rubygems’
require_gem ‘mechanize’, ‘>= 0.6.3’

class MyClass

def initialize
  @agent = # Line 7


mc = # Line 12

– end code –

I get this error:

NameError: uninitialized constant MyClass::WWW

method initialize in untitled document at line 7
at top level in untitled document at line 12

Could it be that I’m missing something really obvious? When I replace
the require_gem line with just “require ‘mechanize’”, it works
according to my expectations. I’m using ruby 1.8.4, rubygems 0.9.0
(also tried with 0.8.11) and mechanize is at 0.6.3 as a gem. It
doesn’t seem to matter if the explicit version is there or not, the
same error is produced.



On 11/6/06, Pawel S. [email protected] wrote:

Hi all,

I’m running into a weird problem with rubygems and using
‘require_gem’. Given the following code,

Hm… nevermind. I’m a fool. A foolish fool. I just found the following
pages that explains the issue:

So it looks like I have to do:

require_gem ‘mechanize’, ‘>= 0.6.3’
require ‘mechanize’

In order to require and load a specific version of a gem. Oh well.
