Requesting information from user


I need to “popup” a message to the user in order he can choose an
option. It is not a YES-NO option but almost the same (has has to choose
among two options). It has to be a message with a question and two

Is that possible on Rails?



I believe the standard way to do this would be to show a previously
hidden div containing a form.

Joel P. wrote in post #1120757:

I believe the standard way to do this would be to show a previously
hidden div containing a form.

And that is possible using Rails or is it Javascript?

You would show and hide the element with JavaScript, but create it in
Rails. Simple example:

<%= form_for @knight do |f| %> <%= f.label :favorite_color, 'What\'s your favorite color?' %> <%= f.collection_select :favorite_color, %w(red green blue aaaaah), :to_s, :titleize, :prompt => true %> <%= f.submit %>

Take the challenge!

$(‘color-button’).observe(‘click’, function(){
