Its nice to have different sections mentioned below on this forum.
(1) Ruby
(2) JRuby
(3) IronRuby
(3) Ruby on Rails
(5) RForum
(6) Mongrel
(7) FxRuby
(8) Etc…
I Request for a special section for " Merb " Helping us to post
specially Merb related questions, since MERB is great option as a
Framework based on Ruby.
I hope many would like to explore " Merb" like me.
On Sep 25, 8:36 am, Web R. [email protected]
(8) Etc…
I Request for a special section for " Merb " Helping us to post
specially Merb related questions, since MERB is great option as a
Framework based on Ruby.
There’s the merb google group. If you really want it mirrored on ruby-
forum I suggest you ask the nice person who runs ruby-forum, rather
than asking the 15000+ people reading this list who have no control
whatsoever about this.