Is it possible to access the $request_uri without the args at the end?
I know I can use $uri - but this returns the url-decoded uri.
I need the url-encoded (I.e. unchanged from original request) but with
the args stripped
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Richard K.
[email protected] wrote:
Is it possible to access the $request_uri without the args at the end?
I know I can use $uri but this returns the url-decoded uri.
I need the url-encoded (I.e. unchanged from original request) but with the
args stripped
Why not strip $request_uri yourself? You can use “if” + pcre regex or
more preferably, set_by_lua/rewrite_by_lua provided by ngx_lua, to
process what in $request_uri
Agentzh, I’m glad you replied
I am trying to find out why something is happening - a bug in nginx or
lua module (currently finding it hard to reproduce)
I’m using:
location /proxy
proxy_pass http://backend;
access_by_lua ’
local res =
ngx.location.capture(“/proxy” … ngx.var.request_uri, { args = { country
= ngx.var.geoip_country_code, host = ngx.var.host } } )
if ngx.var.request_url contains args like this:
It gives 404
But like this:
Works and gets processed ok
I don’t need args at backend - but I DO need the url still encoded
Backend when accessed directly with curl/wget with
“/something/blah.jpg?34567” returns ok
Any ideas?
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 10:30 PM, Richard K.
[email protected] wrote:
I don’t need args at backend - but I DO need the url still encoded
Use the following line of Lua to strip the query args part (if any)
from ngx.var.request (i.e., the nginx variable $request_uri):
local uri = string.gsub(ngx.var.request_uri, "?.*", "")
and then you can feed the resulting uri variable into your subrequest
call instead of ngx.var.request_uri:
local res = ngx.location.capture("/proxy" .. uri,
{ args =
{ country = ngx.var.geoip_country_code, host =
ngx.var.host }
} )
Hope it works for you
On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 12:33 AM, Richard K.
[email protected] wrote:
Many thanks, this fixed the problem (or got around it at least - so not sure
where the bug is but I suspect it’s the mixture of ?3456 and ?val=3456 in the
query string after the lua pass to backend (I wasn’t reading “host” at backend
properly, hence 404)
I believe it’s not a bug because it’s wrong to pass the query args
part as the URI argument to ngx.location.capture. The behavior is
unspecified. So please avoid that in the first place.
Many thanks, this fixed the problem (or got around it at least - so
not sure where the bug is but I suspect it’s the mixture of ?3456 and
?val=3456 in the query string after the lua pass to backend (I wasn’t
reading “host” at backend properly, hence 404)