Request timeout question

Hi All

I am trying to generate pdf reports/documents based on time consuming
database queries and associated calculations. When these are run in
development mode they work fine (apart from taking a long time
5-10mins) but when these are run on the production system they result
in timeout errors.

Is there a better way to approach this problem? The controller method
using the following statement:

send_data pdf.render, :filename => “financial_summary.pdf”, :type =>

Any help appreciated.


You could use a cron job to run the reports periodically and send the
PDF files from the file system.

Background drb is another option

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Could a separate thread be used?

Drb uses separate thread

Sent from my iPhone

If possible, generating the report in advance is the best option,
since the generation seems to be rally expensive (5-10min)…

Cheers, Sazima