Request.path_info doesn't work in tests

Hi all,

I’m having a problem with my tests. In my application.rb, I’ve got the

before_filter :record_current_page
def record_current_page
unless request.path_info == session[:current_page]
session[:previous_page] = session[:current_page]
session[:current_page] = request.path_info
@previous_page = session[:previous_page] || ‘/’

This always lets me generate a “Back” link for my users that points to
the previous URL they were looking at, ignoring any
refreshes/reloads/validation error pages etc. that might be happening.

It works fine, until I test:

def test_should_get_index
get :index
assert_response :success

When I run this test, or any other test on my controller, I get:

NoMethodError: undefined method `path_info’ for

It seems to me that the TestRequest object should have a path_info
method, right? If not, how do I code my app to do what I want, but have
the tests pass? Or, how do I rejigger my tests to get them to pass,
since I know the behavior of the app is correct?

Any help would be appreciated.


On 9 Jun 2008, at 19:06, Brent M. wrote:

the tests pass? Or, how do I rejigger my tests to get them to pass,
since I know the behavior of the app is correct?

well the functional tests operate a layer below routing, so it doesn’t
actually know what is the current path (although I suppose it could
make it up).
This is ruby though, so you could define path_info as a single method
on @request or use mocha to stub/expect a call to path_info.


I was afraid it would be something like that. Mocha to the rescue…

Thanks, Fred!