Request.params causing errors


I have a rhtml file that goes through the request.params. One of my
generates that file, but rspec pops an error saying :

undefined method ‘params’ for …

I’m not sure what to do with this, since request.params actually works

Any idea?

Thank you

Olivier D.

Please post spec, code and error message.

Sorry about that. Here goes…


describe “/search/index” do
it “should have option to login” do
render “/search/index”
response.should have_text(/Login/)

Code for index.rhtml


<%= render_component :controller =>
:action => “footer”, :params => { :lang => @language } %>


Code for footer.rhtml

*<% listOfParameters = “” %>
<% request.params.each do |param| %>
<% if param[0].to_s != “lang” %>
<% listOfParameters = listOfParameters + “&” + param[0].to_s +
“=” +
param[1].to_s %>
<% end %>
<% end %>


Now the error message:

*ActionView::TemplateError in ‘/search/index should have option to
undefined method ‘params’ for #ActionController::TestRequest:0x46a044c
On line #7 of app/views/components/footer.rhtml

**6: <% listOfParameters = “” %>
7: <% request.params.each do |param| %>
8: <% if param[0].to_s != “lang” %>
9: <% listOfParameters = listOfParameters + “&” + param[0].to_s
“=” + param[1].to_s %>
10: <% end %>
11: <% end %>

*Thanks again

Olivier D.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 3:26 PM, David C. [email protected]

It unfortunately access the wrong parameters. Instead of accessing the
parameters from my url request, it access the parameters from my

For example, my request is

In that results view, I render this component
<%= render_component :controller => “components”, :action => “footer”,
:params => { :lang => @language } %>

So in the footer component, when I execute
<% request.params.each do |param| %>
it goes through the params from *

*But if I execute
*<% params.each do |param| %>
*it goes through the params from *<%= render_component :controller =>
“components”, :action => “footer”, :params => { :lang => @language } %>

*My test passes when I use only params.each but not when I use *

*Thanks again

Olivier D.

On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 4:05 PM, David C. [email protected]

On Apr 11, 2008, at 3:53 PM, Olivier D. wrote:

6: <% listOfParameters = “” %>
7: <% request.params.each do |param| %>

Try just params (not request.params) - does that work?