I believe, there’s inconsistency between how Rails and curl normalize
header names.
If I do a curl -H "some_header: value" it will send the header as HTTP_SOME_HEADER. Then in Rails controller I would expect that header
be accessible as request.headers[:some_header], but it’s not. The
is in the ActionDispatch::Http::Headers#env_name <https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/e994fa11cfdb3fc6d96068dbb40c309783563b04/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/http/headers.rb#L89-L96>,
which doesn’t adjust the header name if it contains an underscore.
Which of the two is correct? Do you think the issue could addressed in
I am not sure I understand your question, but how does the headers hash
look like? maybe if you show me the result will be easier to understand
Also gives a concrete example of which headers you trying to set.
-i, --include
(HTTP) Include the HTTP-header in the output. The
includes things like server-
name, date of the document, HTTP-version and more…
Now in the controller I dump the request headers and see
“HTTP_HELLO_WORLD”=>“true”. Rack converted “hello_world” to
But if I try to access the header like request.headers[:hello_world]
or request.headers["hello_world"], it will return nil.
If I used ‘hello-world’ instead of ‘hello_world’ (underscore instead of
dash), everything would have worked as expected.