$request_header_length and $request_body_length?


I am trying to diagnose a weird 408 error problem on nginx.

My theory is that the client might be using some kind of crack making
request body too short for Content-Length header, so nginx waits more
and ultimately fails at 60 seconds timeout.

I tried to add few more log options, like $content_length and
$request_length, however, the $request_length includes all the header
body length, thus can not get actuall body length.

Does nginx provide variables like $request_header_length and

Thanks in advance!

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Mon, Jul 08, 2013 at 10:20:08PM -0400, est wrote:

body length, thus can not get actuall body length.

Does nginx provide variables like $request_header_length and

No, there is no such variables.

For debugging purposes there is debug log provided, see
A debugging log.

Maxim D.