Request for help

A wonderful organization called Mocha Club (
benefitting those with HIV/AIDS and orphans in Africa had its website
developed in Ruby on Rails. However, they have no way to make minor
changes/corrections to their site. They are currently looking for
somebody willing to donate some time to help them make some changes.

Check them out on their (very nice) website, and if you are interested
in helping out, please contact me and I will put you in contact with
them. I can’t emphasize how much this would mean. I have never used Ruby
(or Rails) before or I would donate my own time. I know this would be
very easy for some of you on this forum, so I thought I’d ask here
first. If you know of any other place I should ask for help I would
appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

My email address is jbayly AT sbcglobal dot net

