Reporting from Ruby/Rails

At our company we normally use Crystal Reports or Cognos for any
reports which need to be generated from an application. This software
has api’s for Java which make it pretty easy to run a report. Anyone
have experience with these “enterprisey” reporting tools with ruby?
Other options which people have used?

No, but I’ve used pdf-writer to roll my own reports. You have to lay
everything out by hand, so maybe this is not an enterprisey solution.

This has been getting good word of mouth though I’ve not yet used it

On Sat, 21 Oct 2006 14:18:01 +1300
“Jonathan V.” [email protected] wrote:

Eclipse BIRT is a good solution.


Sure, if you’re using Java. It can be made to work with rails with some
glue such as a web service however.


Eclipse BIRT is a good solution.


unknown wrote:

At our company we normally use Crystal Reports or Cognos for any
reports which need to be generated from an application. This software
has api’s for Java which make it pretty easy to run a report. Anyone
have experience with these “enterprisey” reporting tools with ruby?
Other options which people have used?

I ended up writing an entirely configurable reporting system for Rails.
No coding is necessary.

It can generate any kind of calculated grid of numbers based on metrics
that you set up over your Models via the GUI and it graphs it all with
scruffy (

I have been planning to spin it out as an engine for anybody to use. If
this is of interest to you, email me and I will send you screen shots.

Best Regards,


Hey Steven,

This is cool. I’ve been looking for a way to turn data series into
scruffy svg plots. I want to use it for financial data. I’d be
interested in taking a look at your code. Are you planning to release
it publicly?

I’m currently fighting browser issues with inlining svg within regular
rhtml. How do I change to page type from text/html to

I find the Rails + Scruffy integration a very useful thing; I’d be
happy to work on that project, if you need help.



you could take a look at JasperReports.

it’s a java based mature solution. i’m just looking for a good way to
integrate it into my rails application. for now every report is heating
up an jvm.
works fine. but in a large environment im sure thats not the right way.

also they have a nice, free grphical tool to draw up the reports.

here’s a short description how to integrate JasperReports into Rails

I’ve been looking at Ruport, with pdf-writer underneath. If you ask me
it is still a little bit immature for production use (slowish, no
support for unicode, no standard support for page headers&footers,
group headers&footers,…) and the api’s seem to change between

I’m also looking at Jasper Reports handling the data from Rails to
Jasper in XML through a pipe. Although Jasperreports en the iReports
designer work pretty well, I’ve not yet got the interface between
Rails and JasperReports to work.
Has anyone succeeded ? I’ve followed to guidelinges in
but no succes yet :frowning: