Am Sonntag 21 Juni 2009 00:05:22 schrieb David Rio:
{1} stop here, axmmen.
I’m assuming line 2 should be {2} audi ttuu yes
DATA.each do |line|
i = 0
For each match of “any character followed by the same character” do:
marked = line.gsub(/(.)\1/) do |match|
i += 1
# return the match surrounded by asterisks from the block, which
# tell gsub to replace the match with that
“#{ match }”
puts “{#{ i }} #{marked}”
end END
test. AA. I greatXXrr love it.
audi tt uu yes.
stop here, axmmen.
{3} test. AA. I greatXX**rr love it.
{2} audi ttuu yes.
{1} stop here, axmmen.
This problem is a little under-specified, and it would be worth asking
exactly what your friend is trying to accomplish.
As a quick question, what should happen if the input contains THREE of
same character? Should “aaa” become
aaa aaa aaa aaa
or something else?
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:18 PM, Morris Keesan[email protected]
This problem is a little under-specified,
Yes, my bad.
and it would be worth asking
exactly what your friend is trying to accomplish.
As a quick question, what should happen if the input contains THREE of the
same character? Should “aaa” become
aaa aaa aaa aaa
or something else?