Replacing code in the view

Hi, I have a basic Rails question:

I’m creating a little widget that allows people to call recipes
“favorites”. But when they add a recipe, I don’t want them to see the
“Add as a favorite” button, I want them to see a “Remove from your
favorites” link. I’m not sure what I need to do in the controller to
make this happen. Here’s what I have right now:


def favorite
flash[:notice] = “You have added this recipe to your favorites.”
redirect_to :action => “show”, :id => params[:id]


<%= form_tag :controller => “recipes”, :action => “favorite”, :id =>
@recipe %>
<%= hidden_field “favorite”, “user_id”, :value => %>
<%= submit_tag “Add as favorite”, :class => “favorite” %>

and I want to replace it with:

<%= link_to ‘Un-favorite this recipe’, :controller => “recipes”, :action
=> “unfavorite”, :recipe_id => @recipe, :user_id => %>

flash[:notice] = “You have added this recipe to your favorites.”

and I want to replace it with:

<%= link_to ‘Un-favorite this recipe’, :controller => “recipes”, :action
=> “unfavorite”, :recipe_id => @recipe, :user_id => %>

In show.rhtml…

<% if params[:action] == ‘favorite’ %>
…put your un-favorite stuff here…
<% else %>
…put your add as favorite stuff here…
<% end %>

Philip H. wrote:

flash[:notice] = “You have added this recipe to your favorites.”

and I want to replace it with:

<%= link_to ‘Un-favorite this recipe’, :controller => “recipes”, :action
=> “unfavorite”, :recipe_id => @recipe, :user_id => %>

In show.rhtml…

<% if params[:action] == ‘favorite’ %>
…put your un-favorite stuff here…
<% else %>
…put your add as favorite stuff here…
<% end %>

Ahh, that makes a lot of sense, though it doesn’t seem to work for me
right now. Do I have to do anything in the controller at all, or should
it work with just the params[:action] expression in the if statement?
If it’s supposed to work with no alterations to the controller, I might
have mixed something else up… :slight_smile:

Dave A. wrote:

<% if params[:action] == ‘favorite’ %>

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This doesn’t work because you’re redirecting to the “show” action.

I’m guessing you’re saving the favorite relationship in the model, so
why not check for that?

if @user.favorites.include? @recipe