The problem is that, because of the very long string length, the gsub
return a regexp error indicating that the regular expression is too
Ahmad, it’s easier for us if you present a complete example along with
the concrete error (e.g. exception with stack trace).
A general remark: it is very uncommon to have a regular expression whose
text is 80k in size. So you probably rather want a different approach
but which one is difficult to tell without having more input.
Kind regards
Yup. I know. By showing the code, I just really don’ know where to
But after looking at candlerb’s option, it is what I really needed, the
starting and ending index of the string really help marking the certain
content in the string.
I can go on from that.
Thanks so much for sharing
The problem is that, because of the very long string length, the gsub
return a regexp error indicating that the regular expression is too
Ahmad, it’s easier for us if you present a complete example along with
the concrete error (e.g. exception with stack trace).
A general remark: it is very uncommon to have a regular expression whose
text is 80k in size. So you probably rather want a different approach
but which one is difficult to tell without having more input.
Kind regards
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