I decided to create an advanced search form which is stored in a partial
Right now the partial just contains a simple two box nested form_tag…
In my index.html I have the following:
<% form_tag controller.controller_path, :method => ‘get’ do %>
Advanced Search
<%= check_box “search”, “info” %>
<%= observe_field(:search_info,
:update => :submit_div,
:with => :search_info,
:url => { :action => :search_form }) %>
Which basically monitors the search_info from the check_box and when it
hits an event onClick it goes to the search_form method specified in my
controller, updating :search_info…
So, in my controller I tested all of the returns:
def search_form
if params[:search_info] == “null”
#render :text => “”
render :text => "Debug search_info unchecked = " +
#render :partial => “search”
render :text => "Debug search_info checked = " +
When I fire up my page, if I click the checkbox I receive:
Debug search_info checked = “1”
If I uncheck the checkbox I receive:
Debug search_info unchecked = “null”
If I comment out the debug lines and uncomment what’s listed above the
following occurs:
If I check the box the partial is rendered. If I uncheck the box, the
partial is removed.
Internet Explorer:
If I check the box, nothing happens. If I uncheck the box, I can see a
slight buffer from the empty div showing so the “null” is accepted.
Why is the partial not rendering in I.E.?