Rendering partials with ajax checkbox/observer

I decided to create an advanced search form which is stored in a partial


Right now the partial just contains a simple two box nested form_tag…

In my index.html I have the following:

<% form_tag controller.controller_path, :method => ‘get’ do %>
Advanced Search
<%= check_box “search”, “info” %>
<%= observe_field(:search_info,
:update => :submit_div,
:with => :search_info,
:url => { :action => :search_form }) %>

<% end -%>

Which basically monitors the search_info from the check_box and when it
hits an event onClick it goes to the search_form method specified in my
controller, updating :search_info…

So, in my controller I tested all of the returns:

def search_form
if params[:search_info] == “null”
#render :text => “”
render :text => "Debug search_info unchecked = " +
#render :partial => “search”
render :text => "Debug search_info checked = " +

When I fire up my page, if I click the checkbox I receive:

Debug search_info checked = “1”

If I uncheck the checkbox I receive:

Debug search_info unchecked = “null”

If I comment out the debug lines and uncomment what’s listed above the
following occurs:


If I check the box the partial is rendered. If I uncheck the box, the
partial is removed.

Internet Explorer:

If I check the box, nothing happens. If I uncheck the box, I can see a
slight buffer from the empty div showing so the “null” is accepted.

Why is the partial not rendering in I.E.?


Firefox 3.5 => partial renders OK
Opera 9.6.4 => partial renders OK
Safari 4.0 => partial renders OK

Internet Explorer 8 => partial does not render

On Jul 6, 4:56 pm, “Älphä Blüë” [email protected]

If I check the box, nothing happens. If I uncheck the box, I can see a
slight buffer from the empty div showing so the “null” is accepted.

Why is the partial not rendering in I.E.?

Looks like your html will be invalid (so browsers can do what they
want), as when your partial is rendered you’ll end up with a form
nested inside a form (at least that’s my reading of your code)


Sorry Fred,

I’m dense this morning - I figured it out:

  <td align="left" valign="middle">
    Advanced Search
    <%= check_box "search", "info" %>
    <%= observe_field(:search_info,
      :update => :submit_div,
      :with => :search_info,
      :url => { :action => :search_form }) %>
    <div id="submit_div">

I forgot that I was going with an older model where I’d verify a submit.
I didn’t need the first form at all. I forgot to remove that…


Frederick C. wrote:

On Jul 6, 4:56�pm, “�lph� Bl��” [email protected]

If I check the box, nothing happens. �If I uncheck the box, I can see a
slight buffer from the empty div showing so the “null” is accepted.

Why is the partial not rendering in I.E.?

Looks like your html will be invalid (so browsers can do what they
want), as when your partial is rendered you’ll end up with a form
nested inside a form (at least that’s my reading of your code)


Sorry Fred,

Didn’t see your message before I last posted…

What do you suggest I do regarding what I’m trying to accomplish?

I just want a checkbox that when checked displays my search form and
when unchecked displays an empty rendered text.

Should I place the rendered form in another area that makes it unnested?