Render partial


I am trying to use paperclip plugin to add images to the posts.

<%= render :partial => ‘recent_posts’, :collection => @posts %>
@posts = Post.find(:all, …, :limit => 5)

<%= image_tag %>

and it will end up with this error:
“undefined method `symbolize_keys!’ for “/posts/24?user_id=1”:String”

Anybody knows what does this error mean?
Thank you.

I guess it is because I am not passing the post and user id. If I use
<%= image_tag %> in my show action in posts
controller it is working fine. But, I still dont know how to display
photos in my collection.
Any suggestions?

Thank you.

Petan C. wrote:

<%= render :partial => ‘recent_posts’, :collection => @posts %>
@posts = Post.find(:all, …, :limit => 5)

Using the new Rails method is prettier. If Rails sees @recent_posts
it will automatically assume the name for the partial and pass through
recent_posts as a local posts variable.

<%= render :partial => @recent_posts %>

<%= image_tag %>

and it will end up with this error:
“undefined method `symbolize_keys!’ for "/posts/24?user_id=1":String”

The :collection passed through is @posts. But you are referencing
recent_posts instead which is different.

If you go with rails iterating through the collection then the
singularization of the plural name will create “recent_post” from
@recent_posts” and you can reference the name that way.

<%= image_tag %>

If passing in @recent_posts doesn’t make sense then you would need to
reference through @posts with something like

where post was created by rails for iterating over the @posts

