Render => partial not recognizing method in call

Perhaps it is something basic as a beginner I am. I have the following:


class MainController < ApplicationController
def welcome
@composers = Composer.find(:all).sort_by {|c| [c.last_name,

works - editions - composers all have normal scaffold generated

Models: - relavent info (hopefully) provided:

class Composer < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name
has_many :works, dependent: :destroy
before_destroy :ensure_not_referenced_by_any_work

def editions {|work| work.editions}.flatten.uniq



class Edition < ActiveRecord::Base

validates :publisher_id, :description, :price, :year, presence: true
has_many :environments
has_many :works, through: :environments
belongs_to :publisher
has_many :orders

attr_accessible :descripition, :price, :work_id, :year, :title,


class Work < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :composer_id, :title

belongs_to :composer
has_many :environments
has_many :editions, :through => :environments

has_many :instruments, :through => :environments


class Environment < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :instrument_id, :name, :work_id, :edition_id
belongs_to :work
belongs_to :instrument
belongs_to :edition


I want the following partial to be shown in the Main#Welcome view:

partial is located in the composer view folder:

Editions List

    <% do |edition| %> #line 3 in error below
  • <%= link_to_edition_title(edition)%>
  • <% end %>

The link_to_edition_title(edition)… may not be relavent but here it is
the edition helper module:

def link_to_edition_title(edition)
link_to(edition.nice_title, edition_path(edition))

My limited knowledge believes the call to the partial should work and
indeed it does if done like this within the Composer#Show view:

<%= render “edition” %>

However, when I make the partial call from the Main#Welcome view like
The Main#Welcome view:
<%= render :partial => “composers/edition” %>

It results in this error:

NoMethodError in Main#welcome

Showing *

  • where line #3 raised:

undefined method `editions’ for nil:NilClass

This is the first linke of the trace:


If more is needed please let me know. Appreciate any nudge as to how I
would change the partial or somehow get the editions method to be
recognized in this call - the idea is to be able to share the partial
across the application.

Thanks for your help,


On 12 June 2012 13:09, akkdio [email protected] wrote:

Perhaps it is something basic as a beginner I am. I have the following:

There was no need to show all this code, it is easier for us to see
what is going on if you just show the relevant bits


My limited knowledge believes the call to the partial should work and indeed
NoMethodError in Main#welcome



where line #3 raised:

undefined method `editions’ for nil:NilClass

That means that @composer is nil, since that is the object on which
‘editions’ is being called.

Have a look at the Rails Guide on Layouts and Rendering, particularly
the section Using Partials to see how to pass local variables to the

Also have a look at the guide on debugging to get ideas on how to
debug your code so that you can work out what is going on.

I notice that you have asked for help twice before on this list and
neither time did you reply to the suggestions offered or report
whether you had found a solution. :frowning:


Hi, Andrew

The error says the @composer variable is not set.
By the code I see, that you are setting @composers variable.

Take a look at the starting guide on rendering in Ruby on Rails as an
approach itself is wrong.


, 12 2012 ., 15:09:30 UTC+3 akkdio :

Perhaps it is something basic as a beginner I am. I have the following:

There was no need to show all this code, it is easier for us to see
what is going on if you just show the relevant bits

Understand and thanks.

<%= render :partial => “composers/edition” %>

debug your code so that you can work out what is going on.

Will check this. thanks.

I notice that you have asked for help twice before on this list and
neither time did you reply to the suggestions offered or report
whether you had found a solution. :frowning:

Not an excuse but I was not notified of the someone answering… Sorry.
This time I checked back and check “email updates to me” Sorry again - I
appreciate all the guidance i can get.

On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 3:55:32 PM UTC-4, akkdio wrote:

Understand and thanks.

<% do |edition| %> #line 3 in error below
The Main#Welcome view:
where line #3 raised:
Also have a look at the guide on debugging to get ideas on how to

Not an excuse but I was not notified of the someone answering… Sorry.
This time I checked back and check “email updates to me” Sorry again - I
appreciate all the guidance i can get.


My solution/learning (sort of) I read through the Rails Guide and it was
somewhat helpful - lots to learn -

My disconnect however that I was under the impression that the partial
because it worked when I used in the composer show method it would work
the Main#Welcome view. Well, this is incorrect because in the
Composer#Index view I click on the Composer ID (set up as a link_to on

<%= link_to, composer_path(composer) %>

This is how the partial gets the composer id in order make the editions
partial work and why the editions method returned a Nil when called from
the Main#welcome view. It was saying " what composer? I can’t find no
stinking Composer" If I do want the editions listed in the
view for each composer then I will have to find a way to send the
method the composer id it is looking for. Time for more reading.

Thanks all for the nudge.