<%= render_component %> Tag cloud issue for rails version 2.3.11

hi all,
in my application there is tag’s cloud in old code which is load using
following code
<%= render_component :controller => “controller_name”, :action =>
now i upgrade the ruby,gem and rails version to
Ruby :1.8.7
Rails :2.3.11
gem :1.6.2

and i am using Windows XP as O.S
my question, now in Rails 2.3.11 “<%= render_component :controller =>
“controller_name”, :action => “tag_cloud_homepage”%>” is deprecated
in rhtml ,so for the above version how should i render the tag cloud ?
is there any other alternative to load tag cloud ?

Thanks and Regards
Sachin S. Kewale

( . ) Always.( . ) Keep (. ). Smiling!!