Render a file

Im trying render a file 404 from public folder Is possible to render a
file from ruby code i have a separate code in the lib file.i got a
error like undefined method `render’ for AdminController:Class

On Aug 20, 5:09 am, mahesh [email protected] wrote:

Im trying render a file 404 from public folder Is possible to render a
file from ruby code i have a separate code in the lib file.i got a
error like undefined method `render’ for AdminController:Class

Well other than saying that you are calling render from somewhere that
you shouldn’t there’s not a lot more to be said without seeing what
you have done.


ok This my module which in lib folder
module Rakelimit
def self.included(controller)



   module ClassMethods

    def acts_as_rakelimit
         ip = request.remote_ip
        puts ip = local_ip
       minute= ( / 60).to_i
        checks = Ipcheck.find(:first, :conditions =>[ "ipaddress = ?

and time_min =?", ip,minute] )
puts checks.inspect
if checks == nil

if checks.ip_count >3



     def render_404
           render :file =>"#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :status 

“404 Not Found”

         return false

it’s for susbend the process when the person trying more then 3 time if
increased more then 3 then i would like render 404 error

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 1:28 PM, Frederick C. <

ok what will be the solution for me

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 2:01 PM, Frederick C. <

On Aug 20, 9:26 am, mahesh s [email protected] wrote:

     def render_404
           render :file =>"#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/404.html", :status =>

“404 Not Found”

         return false

it’s for susbend the process when the person trying more then 3 time if it
increased more then 3 then i would like render 404 error

These shouldn’t be class methods. This is all about dealing with an
individual request, which only makes sense in the context of an
instance method
