Removing/Replacing Tabs to Spaces -- Global Find and Replace

Are there any editors out there that will do a global site find and
replace to change tabs to spaces? I am trying to run a larger existing
Ruby site that was developed on macs to windows and I’m having some
problems and I imagine it is because of the existence of tabs.



Are there any editors out there that will do a global site
find and replace to change tabs to spaces? I am trying
to run a larger existing Ruby site that was developed on
macs to windows and I’m having some problems and I
imagine it is because of the existence of tabs.

Well, Ruby can do that :

$ ruby -pe ‘gsub(/\t/, " ")’ < old_file.rb > new_file.rb

assuming you want two spaces for one tab.

 -- Jean-François.

Ã? la renverse.

jEdit will search and replace through a whole directory.

Also, I have moved my rails site from a PC to a Mac and never had any
issues with tabs or spaces.