** Removing all instances of mysql on mac osx **

I am trying to switch from sqllite3 to mysql on Ruby on Rails.

Whenever I try to install the mysql gem, i get an error:

*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.

I cd’d into my usr/local/bin directory and saw i have several mysql
installs, and am thinking i’ve probably removed something along the
way, and this it the problem.

Please can someone explain how to delete all instances of mysql so I
can re-install?

Or - does someone know what i need to do to avoid this error?

I have installed mysql-5.1.37-osx10.5-x86 as I am running Leopard

ANy ideas to get me running on mysql?

Many Thanks

On Aug 18, 7:43 pm, Craig W. [email protected]

I am trying to switch from sqllite3 to mysql on Ruby on Rails.

Whenever I try to install the mysql gem, i get an error:

when you ran gem install mysql did you tell it where to find mysql (eg
with – --with-mysql-config=/path/to/mysql_config ) ?


No i didnt do that - the tutorial i followed (hivelogic) never
mentioned that.

Does anyone know the command(s) i need to completely remove all mysql
references on my mac?

I think i’ll follow that route then just start again.


On Aug 19, 8:54 am, Craig W. [email protected]

No i didnt do that - the tutorial i followed (hivelogic) never
mentioned that.

It does (well it gives one of the many ways of doing something
equivalent, telling you to pass --with-mysql-dir instead)

Does anyone know the command(s) i need to completely remove all mysql
references on my mac?

I think mysql doesn’t drop files out of /usr/local/mysq-… so just
blowing away those folders should be enough. the mysql docs may have
specific uninstall instructions. You might want to note that there
will always be at least 2 mysql things in /usr/local, /usr/local/mysql
is just a symlink to a specific version


On OS-X, you do need to install mysql gem with

sudo gem install mysql – --with-mysql-config = /usr/local/mysql/bin/

See if that works before blowing away MySQL.

On Aug 19, 12:54 pm, Craig W. [email protected]

cheers all,

will try that!

Mukund wrote:

On OS-X, you do need to install mysql gem with

sudo gem install mysql – --with-mysql-config = /usr/local/mysql/bin/

From the header of database.yml

Install the MySQL driver:

gem install mysql

On Mac OS X:

sudo gem install mysql – --with-mysql-dir=/usr/local/mysql

On Mac OS X Leopard:

sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386" gem install mysql –


This sets the ARCHFLAGS environment variable to your native


If I may suggest this following post from an ignote (whistles
innocently) user…


Let me know if this works or not :slight_smile: