I’m a newb with a quick question.
I have a model
class Call
has_many :visits
class Visit
belongs_to :call
If I delete a call will it automatically delete the associated
Any help will be greatly appreciated
I’m a newb with a quick question.
I have a model
class Call
has_many :visits
class Visit
belongs_to :call
If I delete a call will it automatically delete the associated
Any help will be greatly appreciated
On Jul 5, 2008, at 5:22 PM, THEBIGO wrote:
I’m a newb with a quick question.
I have a model
class Call
has_many :visits
has_many :visits, :dependent => :destroy
this should do the trick.
On Jul 5, 2008, at 5:22 PM, THEBIGO wrote:
If I delete a call will it automatically delete the associated
Sorry, I was too quick on the draw with the last email.
The association you have will not delete the visits. The last message
I posted will destroy associated visits when you destroy the call.
If you don’t want AR callbacks to fire on the associated vists you can
use has_many :visits, :dependent => :delete_all
Mike - Thank you for your response so I take it that if I have say 20
calls and call with call.id = 5 and if
there are say 11 visits with various visit.id’s but with their call_id
= 5 linking them to the above call
then when I execute the delete action for call with id=5 then it will
be deleted along with it’s 11 visits
then I should use the first one you said
has_many :visits, :dependent => :destroy ???
Thanks again
On Jul 5, 2008, at 6:37 PM, THEBIGO wrote:
Mike - Thank you for your response so I take it that if I have say 20
calls and call with call.id = 5 and if
there are say 11 visits with various visit.id’s but with their call_id
= 5 linking them to the above call
then when I execute the delete action for call with id=5 then it will
be deleted along with it’s 11 visits
then I should use the first one you saidhas_many :visits, :dependent => :destroy ???
From the API
dependent - If set to :destroy all the associated objects are
destroyed alongside this object by calling their destroy method. If
set to :delete_all all associated objects are deleted without calling
their destroy method. If set to :nullify all associated objects’
foreign keys are set to NULL without calling their save callbacks.
Warning: This option is ignored when also using the :through option.
Thank you mike so very much - it worked like a charm. One more
itteration complete
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