Remove bundler

Can you remove bundler without any problem – for rails?

On 5 December 2010 09:30, Paul B. [email protected] wrote:

Can you remove bundler without any problem for rails?

The biggest problem will be that you will not be able to use it. Why
would you want to remove it?


Colin L. wrote in post #966271:

On 5 December 2010 09:30, Paul B. [email protected] wrote:

Can you remove bundler without any problem for rails?

The biggest problem will be that you will not be able to use it. Why
would you want to remove it?


I have some problem with Gemfile.lock and would like to get rid of it.
Can I just delete it? And can I turn off bundler?

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Paul B. [email protected]

Can I just delete it? And can I turn off bundler?

Did you try deleting the file and running ‘bundle install’ again? I was
curious to see if gemfile.lock would get recreated if I deleted it and
bundle install again, and it did… anyhow, my 2cents would be that
something like bundler without a proactive reason might cause you more
trouble than just figuring out what is going wrong. At least that’s what
would tell myself in same situation.

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Paul B. [email protected]

something like bundler without a proactive reason might cause you more
trouble than just figuring out what is going wrong. At least that’s what
would tell myself in same situation.

I get you point. Is there a way to deactivate it. I just don’t feel I
need it.

I wish I could tell you… it seems if you are going to it will have to
pretty deep as it seems that it is invoked when a rails app is spun up.
I do
see that it is a gem… I guess you could uninstall the bundler gem and
follow the error messages, that might be an empirical way to figure this
out… sorry cant be more help.

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 3:07 PM, Paul B. [email protected]

something like bundler without a proactive reason might cause you more
trouble than just figuring out what is going wrong. At least that’s what
would tell myself in same situation.

I get you point. Is there a way to deactivate it. I just don’t feel I
need it.

Hi, if you remove/deactivate Bundler, how do you plan on managing your
gem dependencies? If you’re using Rails 3, then you’ll be removing an
important component of the system. Can you please post the exact issue
that you’re having because it’s not very clear as to why you’re wanting
remove Bundler?


David K. wrote in post #966347:

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Paul B. [email protected]

Can I just delete it? And can I turn off bundler?

Did you try deleting the file and running ‘bundle install’ again? I was
curious to see if gemfile.lock would get recreated if I deleted it and
bundle install again, and it did… anyhow, my 2cents would be that
something like bundler without a proactive reason might cause you more
trouble than just figuring out what is going wrong. At least that’s what
would tell myself in same situation.

I get you point. Is there a way to deactivate it. I just don’t feel I
need it.

Paul B. wrote in post #966354:

I get you point. Is there a way to deactivate it. I just don’t feel I
need it.

But you are almost certainly wrong. I’ve never seen a Rails project
that didn’t need a gem dependency management solution, which is what
bundled is. Just get it working.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Sent from my iPhone

Jatin K. wrote in post #966366:

+1 Marnen
There is some problem which you should post here so that we can help
Deactivating/ deleting Bundler gem sounds bad to me

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Marnen Laibow-Koser

Rails gave me a warning that I needed a certain gem i18n. Do I install
that gem or can I just update my app?

I could learn bundler. Or if I can run without it I could also manage my
app like pre-bundler. This hasn’t been a problem before. If I missed a
gem I would get a warning from passenger.

“I’ve never seen a Rails project that didn’t need a gem dependency
management solution, which is what bundled is.”

gem management solution? :slight_smile: I only have a few apps I want to run. And
I’ve managed before.

+1 Marnen
There is some problem which you should post here so that we can help
Deactivating/ deleting Bundler gem sounds bad to me

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Marnen Laibow-Koser

Colin L. wrote in post #966453:

If you do actually need it then just add the gem to Gemfile (in the
root of your app) and run
bundle install
If the problem is that rails thinks you need it but you do not then
maybe it is already in Gemfile but should not be. In that case remove
it from Gemfile and run bundle install.


Can I ignore the Gemfile.lock?

Will the gem be installed in my rvm gemset? Or where does it go?

On 6 December 2010 09:26, Paul B. [email protected] wrote:

Jatin K. wrote in post #966366:

+1 Marnen
There is some problem which you should post here so that we can help
Deactivating/ deleting Bundler gem sounds bad to me

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:37 PM, Marnen Laibow-Koser

Rails gave me a warning that I needed a certain gem i18n. Do I install
that gem or can I just update my app?

If you do actually need it then just add the gem to Gemfile (in the
root of your app) and run
bundle install
If the problem is that rails thinks you need it but you do not then
maybe it is already in Gemfile but should not be. In that case remove
it from Gemfile and run bundle install.


On 6 December 2010 10:12, Paul B. [email protected] wrote:

Can I ignore the Gemfile.lock?

You should include it in your source control system (along with
Gemfile). Bundler uses to keep track of what it has done I think.

Will the gem be installed in my rvm gemset? Or where does it go?

Yes to the former I believe. You can always try it and see for


David K. wrote in post #966552:

If you add a gem and are using a gemset it will go in your gemset…
it pretty easy to swallow experimentation as you can just delete your
and start over if you really want.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:21 AM, Colin L. [email protected]


If you add a gem and are using a gemset it will go in your gemset…
it pretty easy to swallow experimentation as you can just delete your
and start over if you really want.