The data set has duplicate records. There can be more than one
duplicate for the same contact.
How do I remove duplicate records, and build a single record for each
name with maximum possible fields.
Sample input file
FN, LN, phone1, phone2, email, city
Matt, x, 9800000000, , , NYC
Matt, , 9800000001, 8822334490, ,
Matt, x, 9845012345, 9800000000, ,
Matt, , 9800000000, , [email protected], NYC
Matt, x, , 9845012345, [email protected], NYC
Matt, x, 9845012345, 9800000000, , NYC
Matt, y, 9800000001, , , NYC
Sample Output
FN, LN, phone1, phone2, email, city
Matt, x, 9800000000, 9845012345, [email protected], NYC
Matt, y, 9800000001, 8822334490, , NYC