Remote require

I know there are other solutions to this out there. Just wanted to
share my work/play at it. I was trying to make it reletvely secure
without being too much a pain to use. This is was I arrived at.

Usage looks like this:

remote_source ‘fruitapp’,
remote_dependency ‘9de3cd6daece5f07aa3ddb0319a21415’, ‘tryme.rb’

require ‘fruitapp/tryme.rb’

The MD5 checksum of course is there to help ensure you get what you
expect. Of course that’s the most time consuming part becasue you have
to keep those upto date with new versions.

Anyway, just thought I’d share it just in case it interested anyone.
Here’s the code:

— remote_require.rb

require ‘open-uri’
require ‘digest/md5’
require ‘fileutils’

REMOTE_CACHE = File.expand_path( ‘~/.lib/site_ruby/1.8/’ )
FileUtils.mkdir_p REMOTE_CACHE unless REMOTE_CACHE
$:.unshift REMOTE_CACHE

$current_source = nil
$current_source_stack = []
$remote_source = nil
$remote_dependency = {}

module Kernel

class ChecksumError < LoadError ; end

def remote_source( ref, uri )
$remote_source = { :ref=>ref.chomp(‘/’), :uri=>uri.chomp(‘/’) }

def remote_dependency( md5sum, file )
raise “dependency without source” unless $remote_source
$remote_dependency[ File.join( $remote_source[:ref], file ) ] = {
:ref => $remote_source[:ref],
:file => file,
:uri => $remote_source[:uri],
:md5 => md5sum

req = method(:require)

define_method :require do |fname|
if r = $remote_dependency[fname]
$current_source_stack << $current_source
$current_source = r
begin fname
rescue LoadError => e
# Bit of a shortcoming here since it’s not very efficient to
# be searching an remote location for multiple matches.
# .so suffix must be specified explicity on the remote end.
fname = fname + ‘.rb’ unless fname =~ /.rb$/ or fname =~ /.so$/
raise e unless $current_source
s = $current_source
url = fname.sub( /^#{s[:ref]}/, s[:uri] )
$stderr << "remote require – " + url if $DEBUG
rf = URI.parse( url ).read
if r
unless rf ).hexdigest == s[:md5] # TODO
newfile = File.join( REMOTE_CACHE, fname )
newdir = File.dirname( newfile )
FileUtils.mkdir_p newdir newfile, ‘w+’ ) do |f|
f << rf
$current_source = $current_source_stack.pop if r


On Aug 3, 2006, at 1:05 PM, [email protected] wrote:

require ‘fruitapp/tryme.rb’

The MD5 checksum of course is there to help ensure you get what you
expect. Of course that’s the most time consuming part becasue you have
to keep those upto date with new versions.

Anyway, just thought I’d share it just in case it interested anyone.
Here’s the code:
[snip: source sode]

I think this would make a really nice gem. I love the idea! Maybe a
future revision could take a regular md5sum output file?

Mat S. wrote:

remote_dependency ‘9de3cd6daece5f07aa3ddb0319a21415’, ‘tryme.rb’

I think this would make a really nice gem. I love the idea! Maybe a
future revision could take a regular md5sum output file?

I’ll work on that. Also, someone else wrote me and suggested sha256
instead of md5 for greater security – good idea. I’m not sure how to
generate the equivalent sha256 output file on my ubuntu box though, all
I see is sha1sum.


Sam G. wrote:

I’d imagine your best bet here would be to use RSA or something
similar for signing. That way you’d just have to include a public key
in your remote_source definition and have the author of the module
provide signatures for each file. You could have different versions
with no troubles, provided they were appropriately signed.

I’m not as sure, albeit I’m not experienced enough to to certain. Could
you eleborate on how it would work? When you say signitures for each
file what are we takling about exactly?


On 8/6/06, Trans [email protected] wrote:

Mat S. wrote:

On Aug 3, 2006, at 1:05 PM, [email protected] wrote:
I think this would make a really nice gem. I love the idea! Maybe a
future revision could take a regular md5sum output file?

I’ll work on that. Also, someone else wrote me and suggested sha256
instead of md5 for greater security – good idea. I’m not sure how to
generate the equivalent sha256 output file on my ubuntu box though, all
I see is sha1sum.

I’d imagine your best bet here would be to use RSA or something
similar for signing. That way you’d just have to include a public key
in your remote_source definition and have the author of the module
provide signatures for each file. You could have different versions
with no troubles, provided they were appropriately signed.


On 8/7/06, Trans [email protected] wrote:

I see is sha1sum.

I’d imagine your best bet here would be to use RSA or something
similar for signing. That way you’d just have to include a public key
in your remote_source definition and have the author of the module
provide signatures for each file. You could have different versions
with no troubles, provided they were appropriately signed.

I’m not as sure, albeit I’m not experienced enough to to certain. Could
you eleborate on how it would work? When you say signitures for each
file what are we takling about exactly?

Well, essentially the way it works is the author of a module would
generate a public/private key pair, distribute the public key, and use
the private key to encrypt hashes of their modules (ie. sign them).
Anyone with a copy of the public key could then verify that those
modules were signed by the same private key (made by the same person,

The idea being that for each file the author also makes available a
signature file (or even includes them in the script itself, although
that’d be a bit more complex), and the script uses those signatures to

If you have access to a copy of openssl, you can play around with this:

$ openssl genrsa > key.priv
$ openssl rsa -pubout <key.priv >
writing RSA key
$ echo “hello world” > myfile.txt
$ openssl dgst -sha1 -sign key.priv <myfile.txt >myfile.sig
$ openssl dgst -sha1 -verify -signature myfile.sig <myfile.txt
Verified OK

There’s one major problem, however: it won’t protect against the
author(s) going crazy and adding backdoors after you’ve trusted them,
or having their private keys stolen by sneaky attackers. It does,
however, mean that you don’t have to worry about updating for new
