First of all I am not a Ruby programmer. The reason I am writing this
post is because I took over the administration of a CentOS-server
running a Ruby-application because the former administrator is no longer
available in the company. I am novice in both Linux and Ruby so bear
with me.
As stated, we have a CentOS server running Apache and Ruby 1.8.7. We
have a Ruby application with a database.yml pointint to two adapters.
One mysql for the application itself to store data, and one adapter for
reading data. Both of them are pointing towards localhost.
Now we need to move the reading database from localhost to
remote.host.local since we have a new mysql server in the network.
When i change the
host: localhost to host: remote.host.local i get 400 Internal server
error when i start my application.
I have verified the connection from the CentOS server, and to the remote
server. Iptables is configured to pass through data on port 3306
The remote MySQL server is accepting data from user@ip-adress-of-CentOS.
Privileges is configured to GRANT ALL on the database from the remote
When i run mysql -h remote.host.local -u user -p i get a valid
Is there anywhere else but the database.yml file i need to specify
something? I have verified with the developer of the application that he
uses only database.yml to connect to the MySQL server.
My hair is turning gray because of this problem…
Thank you in advance.