Right now I’m connecting to a remote MSSQL db using sqljdbc4.jar from
Netbeans, which works fine for Java. However, for Ruby (not Jruby,
note), what’s best? Would this adapter work:
I ask because the MSSQL db expects a JDBC connection, I think, wheras
Ruby adapter won’t be JDBC (does the db even know?). My connection info
is like so:
Database URL: jdbc:sqlserver://foo.com:1433;databaseName=bar
Driver: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
Schema: baz
User: foobar
at least, that’s how it appears in the IDE. Microsoft doesn’t have Ruby
driver as they do for JDBC Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server - JDBC Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Learn ?
Can this info basically be copied over to the database.yml file?
I notice projects like:
however, I’d prefer to stick with “regular” Ruby over JRuby. I don’t
have to use JRuby for the connection, do I?