Ok…so I posted yesterday regarding relationships between:
Thanks all for the answers; very informative. What I’m really running
up against is more an issue like Dave T. describes wrt
articles/users/reads in ADWR. So, using that as the OM:
Dave uses the has_and_belongs_to_many idiom to join Users and Articles
via Reads without ever promoting “Reads” to a proper model. My
questions is: is this still the current train of thought in the rails
community (meaning just using habtm).
Dave does suggest that the users_articles table is just a mask for
what should be a model, so assuming that I do promote Reads to a
model…let’s talk relationships:
- A User has many reads
- A Read belongs to a user
- An Article technically doesn’t belong to anything
- Does a Read have an explicit relationship to an Article? What is that
relationship? Why am I confounded re: something that seems so trivial.
Arrrgh! Help!