I’m doing right now my first steps in Ruby on Rails and I’ve got a
Just some explanation:
A project can have ressources (like an employee) and this ressource can
have certain roles (e.g. a team member, or a team leader).
As you can see in the attachment, I have a Table called
Projects_Ressources. This Table has three relationships (belongs_to).
One to Projects, one to Ressources and one to Roles.
This is my model description for,
class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :projects_ressources
has_many :ressources, :through => :projects_ressources
has_many :permissions_roles
has_many :permissions, :through => :permissions_roles
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :projects_ressources
has_many :ressources, :through => :projects_ressources
class Ressource < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :projects_ressources
has_many :projects, :through => :projects_ressources
has_many :roles, :through => :projects_ressources
class ProjectsRessource < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :ressource
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :role
When I’m now in the console, I can get for example the project with id 1
pro = Project.find(1)
And can get all the ressources to this certain project:
employee = pro.ressources
But I want also to know the roles of this ressources. How can I get now
the roles of the ressources to this project with id 1? This doesn’t
role = pro.roles
produces this error in the console:
NoMethodError: undefined method `roles' for #
/attribute_methods.rb:260:in `method_missing'
from (irb):47
from :0
Is the design of the relationship wrong or what am I missing?
But I want also to know the roles of this ressources. How can I get now
the roles of the ressources to this project with id 1? This doesn’t
role = pro.roles
produces this error in the console:
NoMethodError: undefined method roles' for #<Project:0x4dffdc0> from c:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.5/lib/active_record /attribute_methods.rb:260:in
from (irb):47
from :0
Is the design of the relationship wrong or what am I missing?
I just started the ruby server again and now it’s working. Maybe a .rb
file wasn’t saved or something like that.
I get now every role of every ressource that is stored in
Thx anyway.
As seen from above in Project class there is no relation ship defined
for role so how can you expect the result from it.
Add has_many :roles, :through => :projects_ressources
and the required output will be produced.
Hi !
According to your relationships: resource :has_many => roles
but you are using pro.roles. It means project should has many
roles.Its totally wrong accordingly.
First fetch all project_resources for a particular project. Eg.
pr_resources = Project.find(1).project_resources
pr_resources will be a array of pr_resources
Now you can fetch any employee(resource) and its role associated with
project id 1.
for eg. for any project_resource:
resource = pr_resource.resource
role = pr_resource.role
~ Ankur G.
Company: www.innozon.com, Hyderabad
Ankur wrote:
Hi !
According to your relationships: resource :has_many => roles
but you are using pro.roles. It means project should has many
roles.Its totally wrong accordingly.
First fetch all project_resources for a particular project. Eg.
pr_resources = Project.find(1).project_resources
pr_resources will be a array of pr_resources
Now you can fetch any employee(resource) and its role associated with
project id 1.
for eg. for any project_resource:
resource = pr_resource.resource
role = pr_resource.role
~ Ankur G.
Company: www.innozon.com, Hyderabad
I made already an update of the project.rb, because I found out that the
rule was missing. That’s why it worked for ressources but not for
Thx a lot for your explanation, I’m still in the learning process of RoR
This is now all clear to me.