Regular expresson isue

I have following regular expression to parse time.


I don’t want this regext to match 13:45 PM because the the numerical
value before the colon should be limited to 12. How to fix it?

You can play with this regex at

Raj S. wrote:

I have following regular expression to parse time.


You want to match from the beginning of the string. So put a ^ before
your statement -


From: Raj S. [mailto:[email protected]]


I don’t want this regext to match 13:45 PM because the the numerical

value before the colon should be limited to 12. How to fix it?

Hi Raj,

the 13 is matching


because the regex will match the 3. the regex did not care if it had a 1
before it.

You may want to tell it to not match any preceding digit (or else it be
a beginning of the string) if you want a stand alone digit.
eg, you may want to achor/prefix it w the ^ (for beginning of string)
or \D (to represent a non-digit character)

sample tests,

irb(main):112:0> re = /((^|\D)[0-9]|0[0-9]|1[012]):confused:
=> /((^|\D)[0-9]|0[0-9]|1[012]):confused:

irb(main):113:0> re =~ “1:”
=> 0
irb(main):114:0> re =~ " 1:"
=> 0
irb(main):117:0> re =~ “13:”
=> nil

irb(main):122:0> re =~ “01:”
=> 0
irb(main):123:0> re =~ “11:”
=> 0
irb(main):124:0> re =~ “12:”
=> 0

kind regards -botp

Sorry to be the awkward one, but maybe you should consider handling
this programatically, rather than in a regex?

Pros: your code is likely to be easier to understand: that makes it
more maintainable.
Cons: your code will be longer.

2008/8/13 Raj S. [email protected]:

I have following regular expression to parse time.


This seems overly complex, especially your minute matching. This can
be simplified at least to “\d?\d” or “\d{1,2}”.

I don’t want this regext to match 13:45 PM because the the numerical
value before the colon should be limited to 12. How to fix it?

Do you need this for direct matching of a string or scanning of larger
volumes of text? Here’s an alternative (untested):

(0?\d|1[012]) # hour
([0-5]\d) # minute

If you want to use this for matching you probably rather want

(0?\d|1[012]) # hour
([0-5]\d) # minute

Note, the comments can stay in there when copy and pasting.

Kind regards
