Suppose I have a string with some repeating patterns:
string = “some miscellaneous text [sdfsdf.wer], some more miscellaneous
[vbnfg.thy], and yet more text [jkhjkhjk.345]”
I want catch all instances of “[.*]” in this line - without the square
brackets. - in the above example that would be ‘sdfsdf.wer’,
and ‘jkhjkhjk.345’.
What regular expression would pull each instance of “[.*]” into a
element in an array?
This only catches the first match, and ignores the second and third.
What regular expression would pull each instance of “[.*]” into a separate
element in an array?
“some miscellaneous text [sdfsdf.wer], some more miscellaneous text
[vbnfg.thy], and yet more text
=> ["[sdfsdf.wer]", “[vbnfg.thy]”, “[jkhjkhjk.345]”]
Suppose I have a string with some repeating patterns:
string = “some miscellaneous text [sdfsdf.wer], some more miscellaneous text
[vbnfg.thy], and yet more text [jkhjkhjk.345]”
I want catch all instances of "[.]" in this line - without the square
brackets. - in the above example that would be ‘sdfsdf.wer’, ‘vbnfg.thy’,
and ‘jkhjkhjk.345’.
string.scan /([[^]]])/
would do the trick
…although you could also use split with that same regex if you needed
the rest of the data for something.
scan is only keeping the saved part of the regex, as marked by our
Inside of them is the slightly ugly statement
since brackets are special in regexs, we have to escape them first,
hence the [ and ] stuff
So it matches one bracket, [, and anything that isn’t another bracket,
], followed by one bracket, ].
is a shorter alternative showing the use of the non greedy Kleene Star
But often it is indeed a good idea to be very explicit in your regular