a not operator in my regex but cant seem to get it to work.
so for constants I search /([A-Z].*?\b)/
how can I add “when theres no # on the left”?
I’ve been trying to use the ?! as the not operator. (is that even a not
this is what i’ve been trying /([A-Z].*?\b)(?!)/
There’s negative look-behind in Oniguruma, but you’re going to run
into some difficulties anyway, I suspect. For example:
x = 3
puts “This has no comments, and x is #{x}” if x < 5
My advice would be to keep it (relatively) straightforward by doing
something like this as you scan the lines of text:
comment_re = /^\s*#/
if comment_re.match(line)
# treat line as a comment
# line is not a comment
David A. Black / Ruby Power and Light, LLC / http://www.rubypal.com
Ruby/Rails training, mentoring, consulting, code-review
Latest book: The Well-Grounded Rubyist (The Well-Grounded Rubyist)
September Ruby training in NJ has been POSTPONED. Details to follow.
This regex is not going to match a constant. It matches any upper-case
letter followed by a non-greedy wildcard followed by a word boundary.
A constant has to begin with an upper-case letter, possibly followed by
mixed-case letters, numbers and underscores (“_”).
The following show the problem: The first two are your regex, and the
second two show a fix.
/([A-Z].*?\b)/ =~ 'noT a constant' # => 2
/([A-Z].*?\b)/ =~ 'a Constant' # => 2
/\b([A-Z]\w*\b)/ =~ 'noT a constant.' # => nil
/\b([A-Z]\w*\b)/ =~ 'a Constant.' # => 2
The # => at the end of the line show where the match occurred. The first
set shows a non-constant having a false-positive.
Regex are extremely powerful, but you have to think out what can go
wrong with them. When you are searching you can get false-positives
easily. If you are searching and replacing, you can get destroyed
Also, “?!” is not a NOT operator, it’s a negative look-ahead. A match
succeeds if the initial condition matches followed by no match.