I’m using the following regexp to capture a particular string from a
japanese website content.
.?- ([^<]
The following is the match result.
女性 /
Is there a way I can remove the slash(’/’) from my result by modifying
the above regular expression.
N. B. gsub can be used but I want to know whether there it can be
achieved by modifying the above regexp
Please help.
In words, describe what just the regex part does.
7stud – wrote:
In words, describe what just the regex part does.
I mean the part between the
Your boss doesn’t like gsub?
.?- ([^</]
That should work, but it won’t work for a case where you have /
something in the inner text.
That bugle’s been blown to death mate.
Arun K. wrote:
I’m using the following regexp to capture a particular string from a
japanese website content.
Parsing HTML with Regexp makes certain baby dieties cry.
Use Nokogiri, with an XPath of ‘/ul[ @id = “ownerProfile” and @class =
“owner” ]’. Then pull out the .text and you are done!