Regexp.match(line) question

I new to Ruby. It’s a lot of fun to learn…

if I do this:


and then:

str.each_line do |line|

ruby prints out variable line and say its a RegexpError
‘empty range in character class’ as if it interprets line as a Regexp
What am I doing wrong? There are a lot of strange characters in
variable line,
maybe that is the issue?

On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 7:32 PM, m b [email protected] wrote:

str.each_line do |line|

ruby prints out variable line and say its a RegexpError
‘empty range in character class’ as if it interprets line as a Regexp
What am I doing wrong? There are a lot of strange characters in variable line,
maybe that is the issue?

I’m not sure about the issue, but the usual idiom for this is:

File.foreach(“filename.dat”) do |line|

This way:

  • The file handler is automatically closed for you, you don’t have to
    ensure that you call close on it, it’s done for you.
  • You only have one line at a time in memory, since that seems to be
    your unit of data. If the file is huge it will make a difference in
    the amount of memory you will consume at a time.

In any case, String#match calls Regexp#match, so calling match on one
or the other should make no difference. Can you show a small example
of a file that breaks?


ruby prints out variable line and say its a RegexpError
This way:
Aha… Thats a better way to do it… File.foreach Thanx.

the string-variable line both starts and and ends with a ‘/’ .
Its a series of paths from a linux system hd

But its a String to be searched and not a Regexp

ruby prints out variable line and say its a RegexpError
‘empty range in character class’ as if it interprets line as a Regexp
What am I doing wrong? There are a lot of strange characters in variable

maybe that is the issue?

I found out what I was doing the wrong way…

I’m reading the search pattern with readline
and I wrote it -->/ruby/
That didnt make it a Regexp.
Now I found that if I write it -->ruby
and then it works…


On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 10:26 PM, m b [email protected] wrote:

str.each_line do |line|

ruby prints out variable line and say its a RegexpError
‘empty range in character class’ as if it interprets line as a Regexp
What am I doing wrong? There are a lot of strange characters in variable
maybe that is the issue?

You must have a different regular expression in your test other than
/ruby/ because that is valid:

irb(main):001:0> m = /ruby/.match “text”
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> m = /ruby/.match “ruby”
=> #<MatchData “ruby”>

I found out what I was doing the wrong way…

I’m reading the search pattern with readline
and I wrote it -->/ruby/
That didnt make it a Regexp.

This is not true. The sequence /ruby/ is a valid regular expression.

10:01:30 ~$ ruby19 -e ‘p /ruby/’
10:01:38 ~$ ruby19 -e ‘p /ruby/.class’
10:01:42 ~$

There must be something else going on. Please post your complete
code you actually have.

Kind regards
