How would I write a regex to match whitespace which occurs at the end of
a line, but not to match the newline itself?
This should match: “abcdefg \n”
This shouldn’t: “abcdefg\n”
Note that you’ve phrased the question wrong. You first state that you
don’t want to match the newline itself, but then you say that “abcdefg
\n” should match. Well, that string has a newline at the end, so the
newline is part of the match. What you seem to be asking is how to
match strings that have whitespace before the newline. In other words,
the end of line pattern has to be:
whitespace newline
To require at least one whitespace you write: \s+
…followed by one newline: \n
…followed by the end of the string: \z
But then you need to consider what you want to happen in this case:
If the pattern you want is actually:
whitespace that is not a newline
end of string
Then, all white space can be written as: [ \t\n]
…so whitespace minus newlines is just: [ \t]
I tried: line.match(/[!\S\n]$/), i.e. match not-not-whitespace
not-not-whitespace is equal to whitespace, right? \S is anything but
whitespace, and if you negate that, you just get whitespace, which is
the same as: \s
not-newline, but this didn’t work.
Regexes are made up of two things: special regex
characters such as *, +, \s, [], etc.; and regular characters. The
regex characters have special meaning, and therefore do not match
themselves. Regular characters just match
themselves. An exclamation mark is not a special regex character, so it
is a regular character, and if it appears in a regex, it just matches
itself; it does not negate anything.
Would be grateful for any help.
The way to negate pre-defined character groups like \s, \d is to
capitalize them: \S, \D
The way to negate a custom character group is like this: [^acd14!]. The
carrot at the front of the character class negates the group, so the
character class matches any character that is not one of the characters
inside the brackets.
The way to negate a single character is like this: [^a], which matches
any character that is not an ‘a’.
What an excellent reply.
Thank you very much for that.
I read through everything you wrote and implemented your suggestions.
Now I definitely have a robust solution.
Thanks again!
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