I’m parsing a worksheet in EXCEL, working around (what I consider to be)
unexpected results when merged cells are the last thing on a worksheet.
For conversation sake, lets say my tiny worksheet’s whole used range is
I’m use:
lastcell = sheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
to get the last cell in the sheet, and subsequently I parse out the
maximum row and maximum column used in the worksheet
lastcell.Address # -> $D$4
maxrow = lastcell.Row # -> 4
maxcol = lastcell.Column # -> 4 A.K.A. “D”
This works great most of the time. However, when there is a Merged cell
that goes from A4:D4 in my tiny worksheet, the
SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) return A4:D4. This seems ok at first,
lastcell.Address # -> $A$4:$D$4
maxrow = lastcell.Row # -> 4 as epxected
maxcol = lastcell.Column # -> 1 A.K.A. “A” - this is not expected!
Therefore, I want to parse out the back half of the range (the $D$4) to
get the actual last row and last column when lastcell.MergeCells is
I’ve worked this novice regex series out (using a different example),
but I’m thinking it could much more elegant:
addr = “$G$28:$I$28” # merged cell range
addr =~ /:$/ # isolates the “I$28” into $’
back = $’ # puts “I$28” into a variable
back =~ /$/ # “I” and “28” go into $and $' respectively puts "row=#{$'}, Col=#{$
}"; # -> Row=28, Col=I - Bingo!
I then simply let EXCEL convert I to 9. (or AA to 27, etc…)
Any insight for improvement is appreciated - for both the regex and my
usage of EXCEL in this situation.
Thanks, Todd