Regarding MIMO examples in TOM's Repo

Hi all,

I am implementing a 2X2 mimo system using usrp2s. While looking through
mail archives,
i came across a reference to a mimo system based on
from Tom R.'s
repository. How do i access this repository?

Thanks in advance


Bharadwaj D

On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 1:53 AM, bharadwaj desikan
[email protected] wrote:


Bharadwaj D


Once you’ve git cloned gnuradio from, you’ll have to set
up a remote for GitHub - trondeau/gnuradio: GNU Radio. You can then
check out the ‘ofdm’ branch on that remote repo.

(if you aren’t very familiar with git, read this to see how the above
is done:

Be cautioned that it’s not in a stable or complete state. I believe
others have worked on it and been successful in the past, though.


Hi Tom

i have cloned a git repository and set up a remote to

however, on a first glance the mimo ofdm related files are not there

the link below

has a folder blks2imp and has all the mimo related python files

do i have to copy the folder to my merged gnuradio repository?

Please do clarify the same.

Thanks in advance