Reg transceiver program

i wanted to simulate a transceiver which receives some data and then
transmits its own and the data it got.
I have been modifying then benchmark_tx and rx program to do this and
I was able to simulate the transceiver I mentioned, by adding the
sender code in the “def_rxcallback” function.
I dont know if thats the right way to do, but it worked for me, after
importing and adding some code from benchmark_tx program.
But I am now trying to find a way to parse options for both the sender
and receiver. Since I have been modifying the benchmark_rx program for
this, the options I pass are only used for the receiver program alone.
So I am not able to send and receive using two different frequencies
or two different packet sizes for each.
Can anyone please help me with this?. I have attached my code here, so
that if anyone is free to go through it, can help me with the mistakes
I made.
thank you