Reg. Expression

… somebody around who is easy with Reg. Exressions.
For me a nightmare.

I have to Validate this format: 0-0000 0000 and/or 0-0000 0000/0 and/or
0-0000 0000/00
Would be a great help…

I have got: (^\d-\d{4} \d{4}(/\d{2})?$)|(^I\d{8}$)|(^$)

validates :project_number, :format => { :with => /(^\d-\d{4}
\d{4}(/\d{2})?$)|(^I\d{8}$)|(^$)/, :message => “Message”}

But that seems to be not valid.


Am 27.05.2013 um 16:33 schrieb Jordon B. [email protected]:

  • needs to be escaped, it’s a range indicator. Don’t use ^$ unless
    you want to be tricked by multi-line matches, which I’m sure is not
    what you want. For a simple regexp like the one you needed, the above
    simple one is much better, fancy regexps for simple cases is kinda
    annoying to manage.

Thanks very much…

validates :project_number, :format => { :with =>
/\A\d-\d{4}\s\d{4}(?:/\d{1,2})?\Z/, :message => “Message”}

works perfect…

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 6:38 AM, Werner
[email protected] wrote:

… somebody around who is easy with Reg. Exressions.
For me a nightmare.

I have to Validate this format: 0-0000 0000 and/or 0-0000 0000/0 and/or
0-0000 0000/00


  • needs to be escaped, it’s a range indicator. Don’t use ^$ unless
    you want to be tricked by multi-line matches, which I’m sure is not
    what you want. For a simple regexp like the one you needed, the above
    simple one is much better, fancy regexps for simple cases is kinda
    annoying to manage.


Try this
Even I am not expert in Regexp but I always verify from here.

This regular expression should work - /^\d-\d{4}

Aman Mangal
3rd year Undergraduate
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
IIT Bombay