Reg : Create new rails app by version

Hi All,

I have one question below:

How can I create app by specifying the rails version.

for example I have local rails gem versions (2.3.5, and 2.3.10) how I
create rails app => 2.3.10 but default rails gem point to 2.3.5.

I have google I found that by specifying rails _2.3.10_ new demo
help but is not working instead it creating new app in the name

Can any help on the same.

Senthil Srinivasan

I have google I found that by specifying rails _2.3.10_ new demo will
help but is not working instead it creating \

the ‘new’ command did not exists in rails before rails 3, back then
was a different script for generators

script/generate controller

is now

rails g controller

so back then the ‘rails’ script was only for making apps, now it accepts
commands like generate, destroy and more. If you want to see who to use
in rails 3 check out this link

On 31 July 2012 06:00, thil [email protected] wrote:

I have google I found that by specifying rails _2.3.10_ new demo will
help but is not working instead it creating new app in the name “2.3.10

I don’t remember how to do it on rails 2 (the method you have tried is
for rails 3), but I think if you type
rails -h
it will show you all the switches, one of which should be for
specifying the version.

Ideally you should not be using rails 2 for new applications however.


Hi Colin ,

Thanks for remain me to start with Rails 3.2.X latest. Which is the
version of rails 3.0.5/3.2/ 3.2.7 is ?

And I am following the Rails documentation
Ruby on Rails Guides You have any ideal
for rails 3

Senthil srinivasan

3.2.7 is stable enough for you to create your application!